Shane Forrest – Torn Again

Opening: Saturday April 3rd 2-6pm
Exhibition Dates: 31 Mar - 2 May
130 Regent Street, Redfern


“Torn Again” is the title chosen by Shane Forrest to encapsulate this revisiting of his poster works from 2000 -2010.
The ideas that informed these works are still current in his continuing practice.The poster was a new direction for Forrest in the mid 1980’s. He explains his discovery of this medium.
“While stopped at the lights, I looked over to see a bank of familiar posters, which had recently been covered by a new layer. I realised I knew what was underneath, the location of now hidden colours, shapes and text. Musing on the line of rectangular posters reminded me of a child’s watercolor paint box. Thinking that if the surface was peeled or cut into, colours beneath could be revealed and combined. I thought about how manipulating posters could afford a similar experience to the push and pull of painting, the layering over underpainting and then rubbing back to find colours underneath.
In a continuum that began in printmaking then drawing and painting, I applied images through a stencil to the posters as a starting point.”
As an object for a subject the poster is a rarely used medium.
Working in the 1950’s, a small group of French Nouveau Realists took posters straight from the street and exhibited these with minimal alteration.
It was the artist Phillip Martin, a contemporary of the French Nouveau Realists, who after seeing Forrest’s poster works in the mid 2000’s, informed him of this link.


*Artists profits from the sale of Shane’s work are donated to Nature Conservancy Australia


&     $900

Collage and decollage on street posters     90 x 65 cm

Narrowcast     $900

Collage and decollage on street posters     65 x 90 cm

Burgeoning Blooms     SOLD

Collage and decollage on street posters     90 x 65 cm

Erase    $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     50 x 80 cm

Veil     $1,200

Collage and decollage on street posters     123 x 106 cm

Consumer Robusta – Rumba     SOLD

Collage and decollage on street posters     53 x 53 cm

Puddle     $600

acrylic on recycled materials     83 x 45 x 13.5 cm

Spring – Tenki Man     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     80 x 80 cm

Autumn – Crunch     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     80 x 80 cm


Disintegration/Static     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     80 x 80 cm

Rolling Cowboy     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     80 x 80 cm

Holly, Holly, Holly     $1,800

Collage and decollage on street posters     126 x 100 cm

Six Eyes And Two Mouths     $1,800

Collage and decollage on street posters     126 x 100 cm

Flicker     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     60 x 55 cm

Ripple     $1,200

Collage and decollage on street posters     106 x 143 cm

Vent    $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     84 x 69 cm

Night     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     84 x 69 cm

Day     $700

Collage and decollage on street posters     84 x 69 cm

Peeking     $350

Collage and decollage on street posters     80 x 77 cm


Budding     SOLD

Collage and decollage on street posters     30 x 26 cm

Wrinkle     SOLD

Collage and decollage on street posters     30 x 24 cm

Sakura Zaizen     $350

Collage and decollage on street posters     40 x 33 cm

Hiding     $350

Collage and decollage on street posters     40 x 33 cm


Regency     SOLD

Collage and decollage on street posters     26 x 34 cm

Consumer Robusta     $1,000

Collage and decollage on street posters     57 x 102 cm

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy     $300

Collage and decollage on street posters     26 x 34 cm

Descent     $400

Collage and decollage on street posters     51 x 40 cm

Rupture     $300

Collage and decollage on street posters     30 x 30 cm

Descending     $400

Collage and decollage on street posters     51 x 40 cm

Erased Malevich     $300

Collage and decollage on street posters     30 x 22.5 cm



M. 0424 233 821e.
Open 11-6pm Wed-Sat, 11-5pm Sun, Closed Mon-Tue

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