Mon-Tues: CLOSED
Wed-Sat: 11AM-6PM
Sun: 11AM-5PM
It is hard to fathom what lies inside the heart of Russell Carey. Is he simply a soul intoxicated by the phosphorescent glimmers of a semi-industrial nightscape? A mariner driven mad by the lambent beacon of a lighthouse that he alone can see? Or are these mildly malevolent city portraits the calling card of a killer?
HOW has he witnessed these events, were he not walking the streets with unsettling purpose in his step? What drives him to paint, in such luminescent clarity, these flaming fields around trees, lit from behind like shadow puppets? These abandoned, floodlit public spaces—WHY are they abandoned? Are people fleeing Russell Carey?
A discerning individual might ask—is he framing himself? Why has he collected these works together, creating such a crescendo of damnation against him? A pyre of suspicious activity for the police to pick through? Would he not be wiser to sheath them, as he might a knife, from the prying eyes of judicial interest?
Painting #21 – House Front shows a domicile seen from without. Because who would dare invite Russell Carey in? Like Sting’s vampire, he stands outside their windows, struggling with his instincts in the pale moonlight, and paints in meticulous, oily detail the boundaries of their sanctuary, which he cannot penetrate without incurring a restraining order.
As a chronicler of barren, lonely, forgotten corners, Russell Carey is unparalleled. The liminal landscape of nighttime construction sites, sinister weeds erupting from jettisoned asbestos, the inexplicable activities of balaclava’d men, parades of lurid orange traffic cones like Fellini’s Vatican Fashion Show—these are the extra-curricular observations of Russell Carey, when he is not lurking outside your homes.
Visually, one might place him among the greats of light—Tintoretto, Caravaggio! But for his almost resolute lack of depiction of biblical matters. Instead, he worships the realm of the hyper-ordinary; Auden’s crack in the teacup through which one glimpses the land of the dead.
A magical undercurrent pours through these dark daubings of a mind possessed, capturing the changeling qualities of lamplit carparks and phantasmagorical factories pulsing with unhealthy energy on the skyline.
Beckoning tunnels, fragile glasslike flowers, mysterious explosions, and above all the luminous glow of buildings whose intimacy he watches from afar—these are his elements. And for all his grave imbalance and grievous insults to the world, he should be cherished and honoured for them.
Any information on the abovementioned criminal should be forwarded to Erskineville Police Department.
Car Park $ 800
Oil on composite panel
36cm x 52cm
Pine $ 1, 200
Oil on composite panel
81cm x 61cm
Airport $ 600
Oil on composite panel
30.5cm x 40.8cm
Car Park II SOLD
Oil on composite panel
37.5cm x 50cm
Factory $ 600
Oil on composite panel
32cm x 50cm
Two Cars SOLD
Oil on composite panel
34cm x 34cm
Tree Hazard $ 800
Oil on composite panel
59cm x 43.3cm
Hazard II SOLD
Oil on composite panel
43.4cm x 40cm
One Way $ 800
Oil on composite panel
40cm x 50cm
Tunnel SOLD
Oil on composite panel
46.3cm x 61cm
Shadows SOLD
Oil on composite panel
26cm x 36.5cm
Factory $ 600
Oil on composite panel
30cm x 40cm
Winter Tree SOLD
Oil on composite panel
40cm x 30cm
Knight Street SOLD
Oil on composite panel
43.2cm x 32.2cm
Orange Door SOLD
Oil on composite panel
32.1cm x 42cm
Weed $ 950
Oil on composite panel
46cm x 61cm
House Front $ 800
Oil on composite panel
43.4cm x 55.7cm
Hazard $ 1, 250
Oil on composite panel
61cm x 75cm
Iris $ 1, 200
Oil on composite panel
66cm x 85cm
Laneway $ 1, 200
Oil on composite panel
65.5cm x 70cm
Night Warehouse SOLD
Oil on composite panel
27cm x 34cm
Moonrise SOLD
Oil on composite panel
41.9cm x 32cm
Rain $ 800
Oil on composite panel
46.3cm x 61cm
Flight $ 1, 500
Oil on composite panel
107cm x 80cm
Dance SOLD
Oil on composite panel
54.8cm x 67cm
Containers SOLD
Oil on composite panel
45cm x 61cm
Cement Works $ 1, 350
Oil on composite panel
61cm x 92cm